Navigation Elements

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The following topics provide information about the navigation elements of the user interface.

Application-Level Menus

Application Toolbar

The Thread Bar

Screen Tabs

View Tabs

Visibility Filter

Link Bars

Lists, Forms, and Explorer Views

Keyboard Navigation

Accessing Screens and Views

Logging Out

Menu Buttons

Vertical Navigation Buttons

Show More and Less Buttons


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Application-Level Menus

The application-level menus (File, Edit, View, Navigate, Query, Tools, and Help) are located in the upper-left area of the application window. You click a menu to select a menu option. The exact function of a menu option depends on the Siebel application and the configuration you are using.

The options that are available in each menu vary depending on the task you are performing. The Help menu options remain constant.

When you choose a menu option, it applies to the active record in the application window. The active record can be in a form or in a list.

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Application Toolbar

The application toolbar appears below the application-level menu. The following table describes the tools available on the application toolbar:

Control/Name Description
Apply Target List Button Apply Target List button Applies a target list to a view.
Save Target List Button Save Target List button Creates a target list.
Site Map Button Displays the Site Map
Open Customer Dashboard Button Open Customer Dashboard button Opens the customer dashboard.
How Do I Button How Do I button Accesses iHelp, which provides guidance with tasks.
Tasks button Tasks button Activates a Task UI wizard to guide you through a series of steps to complete a specific task.
Quick Print button Quick Print button Prints the data you are currently viewing. Your user preferences can disable this button.
Prepare for Interactive Detailer button Prepare for Interactive Detailer button Prepares for Interactive Detailer.
Reports button Reports Button Accesses reports for the screen you are working in.
Toggle CTI Toolbar Toggle CTI Toolbar Displays or hides the Computer Telephony Integration toolbar. This button is not available to all customers.


See Also

Application-Level Menus

Finding Information

Running Reports

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The Thread Bar

Use the thread bar to retrace your steps in the application. You can return to an earlier point in the path by clicking a hyperlink in the thread bar. The thread bar appears immediately below the application toolbar.

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Screen Tabs

Information in the Siebel application is organized into screens. You access a screen by clicking the appropriate screen tab, such as Opportunities, Calendar, or Accounts, and by using the Site Map.

The active screen tab frequently appears in a different color than the color for the other screen tabs. If the screen tab you want to use is not visible, then click the down arrow at the right end of the screen tabs to display and select that screen tab. When you select an additional screen, the last screen tab is replaced with the selected screen tab.

You can also use the Site Map to navigate to a screen. If you select from the Site Map a screen that does not appear as a screen tab in the Siebel application, then a screen tab appears when you navigate to that screen. This tab is visible only for the current session.

You can specify the screen tabs that appear in the Siebel application.

A Siebel administrator can change the screen tab icons in Siebel Tools. If you do not want to display icons on the screen tabs, then contact your Siebel administrator.

See Also

Accessing Screens and Views

Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs

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View Tabs

After you drill down on a record in the list in the upper part of the application window, view tabs provide one-click access to additional information about the active record.

When a list or form appears in the upper part of the application window, view tabs appear directly under that list or that form. The selection of view tabs depends on the information available for the active record, and on your implementation of the Siebel application.

Click a view tab to access the corresponding view. If the view tab you need is not visible, use the drop-down arrow to display and select a view. The drop-down arrow is located at the end of the currently displayed view tabs.

See Also

Accessing Screens and Views

Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs

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Visibility Filter

The visibility filter in list headers lets you filter the set of records shown in the list.

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Link Bars

Link bars appear below screen and view tabs and provide access to additional categories of information. A link bar is a set of hyperlinks.

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Lists, Forms, and Explorer Views

Siebel applications display data in lists, forms, and explorer views. Lists, forms, and explorer views can have the following common user interface elements:


A list consists of multiple records, presented as rows.

Each record consists of multiple fields. The first record in a list is selected and highlighted a color (for example, yellow) when you access the list. You can select a record in a list by clicking any field in the record. Your selection highlights the selected record in another color (for example, blue). If you select other records, then the last record you select is highlighted in blue, and the other records you select are highlighted in yellow. If the field you click is editable, then the field converts to edit mode, and you can enter a value in the field.

To show more rows, click the Show more button at the top of the list. To return to the shorter version of the list, click the Show less button.


When you drill down on a field in a record in a list, you see a form that contains data for the record you select. A form contains the data for one record. If you are authorized to edit the information in a form, then you can change field data directly in the form. Step off the form to save your changes. All required fields appear with a star icon next to the field name in the form.

In some cases, you can click the show more button to access a long form, and then click the show less button to access the short form. These buttons appear in the top right corner of the form.


A form contains information about a single record. There are two types of forms: standard and long. Standard forms contain all the fields that are required for the record. Long forms contain additional fields that are not shown in the standard form.
If a long version of a form is available, you can click the Show more button at the top of the form to display the long form. To return to the shorter version of the form, click the Show less button.
To see the previous or next record, you can use the record navigation buttons.

Explorer Views

An explorer view displays data in a compact hierarchical format. Typically, you can access an explorer view by clicking an explorer hyperlink on the link bar below the screen tab.

An explorer view is an expandable tree view. The tree control appears in the left pane of the content area. You select the control for the tree branch that you want to view, and the detail information for that tree branch appears in the right pane.

A folder in the tree preceded by an arrow contains other folders. Click the arrow to expand the folder and show its contents. The list in the right pane always shows the contents of the selected folder in the tree control. Click to the left of a folder to collapse the folder.

Note: If you cannot access a parent record, then you cannot access any of that record’s child or grandchild records in an explorer view, even if you can access the child or grandchild records in other views.

See Also

Using Charts

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  Keyboard Navigation

The following keys facilitate keyboard navigation in Siebel Business Applications:

See Also

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

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Accessing Screens and Views

You can use the Site Map, or screen tabs, view tabs, and hyperlinks on link bars to navigate to a screen or view in your Siebel application.

To access a screen using the screen tabs
To access a view using the view tabs
  1. Click the screen tab.
  2. Locate and drill down on the record for which you want to access a view.
  3. Click the view tab.
    The view appears and the view tab of the active view is highlighted.
To access a view using a link on a link bar
  1. Click a screen tab or a view tab.
  2. Click a hyperlink on the link bar.
    The view appears and the hyperlink of the active view is shown in bold text in the link bar.
To navigate to a screen using the Site Map
  1. Do one of the following:
  2. (Optional) To restrict the hyperlinks that appear in the Site Map, enter appropriate text in the field for searching.
  3. In the Site Map, click the hyperlink for the screen you want to navigate to.
    The Site Map displays the screen name and all the view names available in that screen.
  4. Click a hyperlink to navigate to the screen or view.
    Note: If you select a screen or view from the Site Map that does not appear as a screen tab or a view tab in the Siebel application, then a screen tab or view tab is created when you navigate to that screen or view. This tab is visible only for the current session.
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Logging Out

Do not close the browser window to log out of your Siebel application.

To log out

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Menu Buttons

A menu button appears in each form and list in the application window. You click a menu button to access a set of menu options that let you perform actions that apply to the active record in the form or list. Actions may include creating a new record, copying a record, or deleting a record.

Right-clicking in a form or a list displays the same menu of actions provided by the menu button in that form or list.

See Also

Lists, Forms, and Explorer Views

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Vertical Navigation Buttons

Use the vertical navigation buttons that appear at the bottom of a list to navigate between the records in the list. The following table describes the vertical navigation buttons:

Button Description
Navigates to the previous record set Navigates to the previous record set.
Navigates to the previous record Navigates to the previous record.
Navigates to the next record Navigates to the next record.
Navigates to the next record set Navigates to the next record set.

See Also

Lists, Forms, and Explorer Views

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Show More and Show Less Buttons

Every list has a show more button or a show less button in the top right corner. Clicking the show more or show less button allows you to see more or fewer records in a list.

Button Description
Show more button Displays more records to expand a collapsed list.
Show less button Displays fewer records to collapse an expanded list.

See Also

Lists, Forms, and Explorer Views

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