Finding Information


Queries let you locate one or more records that meet certain criteria. In addition, troubleshooting hyperlinks provide access to a wide variety of support and service tools.


Finding Answers to Your Questions

Finding Information

See Also

Using Search

Viewing Attachments

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Finding Answers to Your Questions

To find answers to your questions, you can browse the FAQs. The most common FAQs are displayed on the home page.

To view an FAQ

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Finding Information

Queries let you find information throughout the Web site.

To create and run a query
  1. In the list or form where you want to find records, click Query.
    A blank form appears.
  2. Fill in the fields to define your query criteria.
    Tip: You can use an asterisk (*) to find matching records.
    For example, you can type "Sie*" (without the quotes) to find the records with a value that starts with "Sie" in the field for which you defined the query parameter.
  3. Click Go.
    Matching records appear.

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