Using Selection Dialog Boxes

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You use selection dialog boxes to attach a record to a field. Depending on the type of field, you can attach one record or multiple records. In some cases, you can also add records from the database or create a new record and then select it for attachment to the field.


Launching Selection Dialog Boxes

Associating Records Using a Single Selection Dialog Box

Associating Records Using a Multiple Selection Dialog Box

Finding Records in a Selection Dialog Box

Querying for Records in a Selection Dialog Box

See Also

Understanding the User Interface

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Launching Selection Dialog Boxes

There are two select buttons that launch selection dialog boxes. The single select button launches a single selection dialog box and the multiple select button launches a multiple selection dialog box.

Shuttle dialog boxes allow you to select a number of records and add them to a multiple selection dialog box. You can launch shuttle dialog boxes from multiple selection dialog boxes by clicking New.

To access a selection dialog box

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Associating Records Using a Single Selection Dialog Box

Depending on where you are in the Siebel application, you can associate an existing record or a new record in a single selection dialog box.

To associate an existing record using a single selection dialog box
  1. Navigate to the appropriate screen.
  2. Select the record you want to associate with another record.
  3. Click the single select button in the appropriate field.
    A single selection dialog box appears.
  4. In the dialog box, locate and select the record you want to associate.
  5. Click OK.
To add a new record using a single selection dialog box
  1. Navigate to the appropriate screen.
  2. Select the record with which you want to associate a new record.
  3. Click the single select button in the appropriate field.
    A single selection dialog box appears.
  4. Click New.
    A blank row appears in the dialog box, or blank form appears for you to fill in.
  5. Enter the new record's information.
  6. Click OK.

Note: There are some situations in which you cannot add new records to single selection dialog boxes.

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Associating Records Using a Multiple Selection Dialog Box

Multiple selection dialog boxes allow you to associate many records with one record. Clicking the New button in multiple selection dialog boxes launches a shuttle dialog box. Depending on where you are in the Siebel application, you may be able to add new records from the shuttle dialog box.

To associate an existing record using a multiple selection dialog box
  1. Navigate to the appropriate screen.
  2. Select the record you want to associate with other records.
  3. Click the multiple select button in the appropriate field.
    A multiple selection dialog box appears.
  4. Click New to launch the shuttle dialog box.
  5. In the Available list of records in the shuttle dialog box, select the record you want to associate with the current record.
    Note: You can select multiple records by holding down CTRL on your keyboard and clicking each record.
  6. Click Add.
    The record is added to the Selected list.
  7. Click OK.
To add a new record using a multiple selection dialog box
  1. Navigate to the appropriate screen.
  2. Select the record you want to associate with other records.
  3. Click the multiple select button in the appropriate field.
    A multiple selection dialog box appears.
  4. Click New.
    A blank form appears in a dialog box.
  5. Enter the new record's information and click Save.
    The record you created now appears in the Selected list of records.

Note: If you attempt to add data to the database through a dialog box and then decide to cancel the record you are adding, the data you added in the dialog box will not be deleted from the database. However, if the data does not exist anywhere else in the application except in the record in which the dialog box was opened, it will be deleted.

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Finding Records in a Selection Dialog Box

A selection dialog box can contain many records. You might find it necessary to search for the records you want to see in the list. You can perform full- or partial-text searches on one field.

Finding records is similar to querying for records, but you do not save search results when you find records.

Note: Unlike performing a query, any spaces you enter in the Starting with field when finding records are included in the search. For example, if you are looking for a contact with the last name Smith, and enter Smith followed by a space in the Starting with field, then any contacts with the last name Smith are not found because the Siebel application looks for each character (all the letters in Smith and a space).

To find a specific record in a selection dialog box
  1. In the selection dialog box, select the field you want to search from the drop-down list for the Find field.
    In a multiple selection dialog box, the Find field appears in the Available list of records, and not in the Selected list of records. Click Show Available to see the Available list of records.
  2. Type the text you want to search for in the Starting with field.
    A wildcard is automatically assumed at the end of text you enter in the Starting with field. If you search for Siebe, then all words beginning with the letters Siebe are found.
  3. Click Go.

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Querying for Records in a Selection Dialog Box

You can query within a selection dialog box just as you would within a list or form. This allows you to search for specific information from one column or from several columns at one time.

Note: To execute a query in a selection dialog box, you can either click Go or press Enter.

To query in a selection dialog box
  1. In the selection dialog box, click Query.
    A blank row appears in the selection dialog box.
  2. Enter your query criteria and click Go.
    The records matching the query you specified appear.

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